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捷普和 Prosol 共同开发的可家庭堆肥的咖啡胶囊面市

2021-10-07 17:12:02

Coffee Pod Convenience Without the Landfill Guilt: Introducing the Home-Compostable Coffee Capsule, Co-Developed by Jabil and Prosol

由 Jabil 和 Prosol 共同开发的可家庭堆肥的咖啡胶囊面市

ST. PETERSBURG, FL – September 20, 2021 – Jabil Packaging Solutions (JPS), a division of manufacturing solutions provider Jabil Inc. (NYSE: JBL), today announced a significant advancement in coffee pod sustainability with the launch of their home-compostable coffee capsule for single serve espresso brewers. This high-barrier coffee capsule improves on existing solutions by eliminating the need for a plastic or foil pouch that is sometimes required to preserve freshness in compostable coffee capsules. JPS co-developed the compostable coffee capsule with Productos Solubles S.A. (Prosol), a leading European coffee roaster, based in Palencia, Spain.

佛罗里达州圣彼得堡 - 2021 年 9 月 20 日 - 制造解决方案提供商捷普公司(纽约证券交易所代码:JBL)的一个部门捷普包装解决方案 (JPS) 今天宣布推出其可家用可堆肥咖啡胶囊,在咖啡包可持续性方面取得重大进展,用于单份浓缩咖啡酿造商。这种高阻隔咖啡胶囊改进了现有解决方案,无需塑料袋或铝箔袋,以往咖啡胶囊有时需要塑料袋或铝箔袋来保持风味,新的可堆肥咖啡胶囊可以保证咖啡的新鲜度。JPS 与位于西班牙帕伦西亚的欧洲领先咖啡烘焙商 Productos Solubles S.A. (Prosol) 共同开发了可家庭堆肥咖啡胶囊。

The technically complex coffee capsule format is cherished by consumers for its convenience and ease of use, but often challenged for its suboptimal end-of-life scenario. The new coffee pod does not require a secondary pouch to maintain optimal product freshness, keeping packaging to a minimum without sacrificing flavor or shelf life. Prosol’s deep bench of expertise in the entire coffee process, including brewer performance, home compostability (ex: certificates and conditions for degradation) and the capsule fill process, was invaluable to creation of the design.  

技术复杂的咖啡胶囊,因其便利性和易用性而受到消费者的喜爱,但经常因其一次性寿命结束,产生环境问题而受到挑战。新的咖啡包不需要内包装来保持最佳的产品新鲜度,在不牺牲风味或保质期的情况下将包装的环境影响保持在最低限度。Prosol 在整个咖啡过程中的深厚专业知识,包括咖啡机性能、家庭可堆肥性(例如:降解的证书和条件)和胶囊填充过程,对于设计的创造是非常宝贵的。

“The high-barrier compostable coffee capsule is an excellent example of where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” said Ayana Johnson, vice president of technology, Jabil Packaging Solutions. “The capsule and coffee grounds work together to break down in-home or commercial composting environments – reducing both packaging waste as well as coffee grounds waste. Jabil’s deep material science expertise and history of innovation in the coffee capsule format allowed us to create something that is uniquely differentiated in the marketplace today.”

Jabil Packaging Solutions 技术副总裁 Ayana Johnson 表示:“高阻隔可堆肥咖啡胶囊是整体大于部分之和的一个很好的例子。“胶囊和咖啡渣协同工作,打破家庭或商业堆肥环境——减少包装垃圾和咖啡渣垃圾。Jabil 深厚的材料科学专业知识和咖啡胶囊形式的创新历史使我们能够创造出在当今市场上与众不同的产品。”

Jabil Packaging Solutions partners with industry leaders like Prosol to drive meaningful and impactful innovation in the coffee space. The partnership with Prosol is expected to bring over 500 million compostable coffee capsules to European consumers over the course of four years. This exciting development represents a significant milestone for consumer-packaged goods products that face challenging end-of-life scenarios.

Jabil Packaging Solutions 与 Prosol 等行业领导者合作,在咖啡领域推动有意义和有影响力的创新。与 Prosol 的合作预计将在四年内为欧洲消费者带来超过 5 亿个可家庭堆肥咖啡胶囊。这一激动人心的发展代表了面临具有挑战性的报废情景的消费品包装产品的一个重要里程碑。

“We know that the most successful, widely adopted sustainable packaging advancements don’t require consumers to make user experience sacrifices,” said Rocío Hervella, CEO of Prosol. “Knowing we didn’t want to negatively affect user experience, we were inspired to work with Jabil to design a home compostable, high-barrier pod that didn’t even consider tradeoffs. The ability to compost these pods at home opens up new opportunities for coffee brands looking to capture a segment of consumers who are increasingly unwilling to bend their ideals for convenience or value.”  

Prosol 首席执行官 Rocío Hervella 表示:“我们知道,最成功、最广泛采用的可持续包装进步不需要消费者牺牲用户体验。“知道我们不想对用户体验产生负面影响,我们受到启发与 Jabil 合作设计了一个家庭可堆肥、高阻隔的吊舱,甚至没有考虑权衡。在家里堆肥为咖啡品牌提供了新的机会,他们希望抓住越来越不愿意为了方便或价值而改变理想的消费者群体。”

Attending AMI's international Single-Serve Capsules conference, September 20-22 at the World Trade Center in Barcelona, Spain? To learn more about this advancement in sustainable packaging, stop by Jabil Packaging Solutions and Prosol’s exhibit, and attend the companies’ joint presentation at 15:00, Tuesday, September 21, 2021.

Please visit Jabil Packaging Solutions for more information on the home-compostable capsule.  

可家庭堆肥胶囊,将在 AMI 于 9 月 20 日至 22 日,在西班牙巴塞罗那世贸中心举行的国际单服务胶囊会议上展示,要了解有关可持续包装这一进步的更多信息,请访问 Jabil Packaging Solutions 和 Prosol 的展览,并参加 2021 年 9 月 21 日(星期二)15:00 举行的两家公司的联合展示。


About Jabil:

Jabil (NYSE: JBL) is a manufacturing solutions provider with over 260,000 employees across 100 locations in 30 countries. The world's leading brands rely on Jabil's unmatched breadth and depth of end-market experience, technical and design capabilities, manufacturing know-how, supply chain insights and global product management expertise. Driven by a common purpose, Jabil and its people are committed to making a positive impact on their local community and the environment. Visit www.jabil.com to learn more.


Jabil(纽约证券交易所代码:JBL)是一家制造解决方案提供商,在 30 个国家/地区的 100 个地点拥有超过 260,000 名员工。世界领先品牌依赖捷普无与伦比的广度和深度的终端市场经验、技术和设计能力、制造知识、供应链洞察力和全球产品管理专业知识。在共同目标的推动下,捷普及其员工致力于对当地社区和环境产生积极影响。访问 www.jabil.com 了解更多信息。

Co-developed by Jabil Packaging Solutions and Productos Solubles S.A. (Prosol), the home-compostable coffee capsule improves on existing solutions and is a significant advancement in coffee pod sustainability.


由 Jabil Packaging Solutions 和 Productos Solubles S.A. (Prosol) 共同开发的家用可堆肥咖啡胶囊改进了现有的解决方案,是咖啡包可持续性的重大进步。




包装部落+美狮传媒集团强强联手,倾力为行业发声,开拓无限应用商机,联合创办2021上海国际植物纤维模塑产业展,致力于成为赋能植物纤维模塑全产业链的国际专业展会。在全球禁塑的大背景下,为植物纤维模塑行业构建平台,展示禁塑替代革新方案,彰显无穷环保潜力。与此同时,IPFM Shanghai 2021为植物纤维模塑行业打造各行业应用场景,开拓全域买家商机,涉及餐饮外卖、电子家电、日化美妆、奢侈品、生鲜果蔬、农产品、工业品、医疗卫生、电商快递物流、建材家居、园艺宠物、文创玩具等。

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